
August 18th 2023

Unveiling Trends: Women’s World Cup Impact on Beer and Snack Sales

The Women’s World Cup didn’t just excite football fans – it also had an interesting effect on shopping habits. We’ve looked closely at how this thrilling tournament influenced what people bought in major supermarkets. Our study focused on changes in beer sales, both alcoholic and alcohol-free, and the snacks people picked up.

Cheers to Beer Sales: The Rise

While the players scored goals on the pitch, something interesting was happening in the stores too. Beer sales went up by a surprising 10% compared to the previous year, which is a pretty big jump of 8%. Weekends were especially popular for buying beer, especially during Lionesses’ games.

Supermarkets had a mix of results during this World Cup, with beer sales going up and snack sales going down. It’s clear that the excitement of the matches had people reaching for a cold drink. Whether it was the Haiti game, where 45,600 units were sold, or the Colombia match with 42,500 units sold, fans were raising their glasses.

Snack Sales Take a Dip

While beer was having its moment, snacks didn’t do as well. Snack sales fell by about 3% compared to last year. It looks like the focus on the games made people less interested in their favourite treats. There was one exception – during the Lionesses’ first game against Haiti, snack sales shot up to a whopping 350,000 units sold.

James Lamplugh, Reapp Commercial Director offers his insight: “The time difference between Oz and UK is clearly a factor in the relatively modest rise of eight per cent in beer as many opt to cheer on the Lionesses with a cup of tea rather than a lager.”

Looking Ahead to Victory

As the Women’s World Cup ties up on Sunday, we expect one more hopefully twist in the tale. Lamplugh added, “But if they triumph on Sunday we’d expect to see the corks popping in celebration.” Here’s to the Lionesses and the exciting things we learn from their games, both on and off the field!

August 18th


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