
June 22nd 2023

5 Benefits of Using Digital Technology in Retail Stores

We’re living in a digital age, so it’s more important than ever for brands and retail businesses to use digital technology in retail stores when making key sales and marketing decisions.

To keep up with competitors, your brand needs to take advantage of the digital transformation of the in-store shopping experience to combine data from both the physical and digital worlds. This will provide you with more accurate insights into the entire customer journey to help better inform your business strategy.

Digital transformation in retail stores shouldn’t be a cause for panic – it’s not like brick-and-mortar stores will become obsolete any time soon.

However, for in-store experiences to flourish, they will need to be reimagined and redefined for the digital age.

In this guide, we’ll discuss the main benefits of using digital technology in retail stores, including:

  • Gaining accurate customer insights
  • Better managing your stock levels
  • Effectively planning for the future
  • Increasing customer satisfaction by creating a more personalised shopping experience
  • Converting your data into actionable insights with Reapp
  • And much more

Reapp’s in-store digital solutions help to ensure that even the most traditional retailers don’t fall behind the competition.

We use cutting-edge image recognition technology and customisable reporting methods to give your business accurate and straightforward insights into what’s happening on the store shelf and beyond.

This data is then converted into fully customised analytic dashboards at the touch of a button, providing you with actionable insights that can be used to optimise your business strategy and keep up with the digital transformations that are reshaping the retail experience as we know it.

So, what are the benefits of taking advantage of digital technology in retail stores?

Without further ado, let’s get into it…

Using digital technology in retail stores can benefit your brand

For brands and retail businesses, utilising technology to glean insights from the shelf is a no-brainer.

It’s an easy way to keep track of what’s going on in-store and make informed business decisions that help you to stay ahead of the competition.

“But Reapp,” we hear you cry, “what exactly are these game-changing benefits you speak of?” Well, we’re glad you asked.

Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of using digital technology in retail stores for brands…

Understand your customers better

Retail is usually the last stage in the shopping journey for your customers. Back in the dark ages, this meant it was difficult to understand the intent of retail consumers as there was no way of connecting their online journey to their physical in-store journey.

However, digital technology tools such as Reapp allow brands to gather consumer data across a variety of customer touchpoints, pulling together information from both the digital world and the store shelf at just the press of a button.

This digital transformation enables brands to paint a reliable picture of consumer behaviour, providing valuable insights into what products they’re buying, how frequently they’re buying them, and where they’re buying them from.

You can use these insights to better direct your marketing efforts and ensure you’re targeting the right people with the right products in the right place and at the right time.

Easily manage your stock

Another major benefit of using digital technology in retail stores is that it massively helps to improve inventory planning, allowing your brand to reduce wastage across the board.

How does it do this? Through virtual reality technology and artificial intelligence technology, of course.

These advanced technologies enable your field team members to identify problems in compliance or gaps in stock levels all through a single snap, saving you a whole lot of time, resources, and money.

Reapp’s suite of software uses cutting-edge image recognition technology powered by artificial intelligence to source data straight from the shelf, providing you with direct insights into which of your products are selling well and which ones are gathering dust.

These insights enable brands in the retail sector to make better-informed business decisions about what to stock and how much in order to keep waste to a minimum.

Pretty nifty stuff, if we may say so ourselves.

Effectively plan for the future

Digital technology provides brands with the insights they need to plan an effective business strategy that focuses on identifying growth opportunities and improving the retail experience for customers.

Digital tools such as Reapp use predictive analytics to let you know exactly what your field team needs to do in order to bring in future retail sales.

What’s more, fully customisable dashboards allow you to build your own reporting sections and customise by branch number, waste, product, and more so that you can drill deeper into the data that matters most to you.

But wait, there’s more! Digital technology benefits your customers, too

It’s not just brands and retailers who benefit from an increase in the use of digital technology in retail stores.

Digital tech also creates a more personalised in-store shopping experience for customers – or at least that’s what they’ll think, with more of the products they love waiting for them on the shelf thanks to your juicy data insights.

Let’s take a closer look at how digital technology in retail stores can benefit your customers…

A more seamless, personalised, and convenient shopping experience

As we’ve already covered, digital technology in retail stores provides you with insights into your customers’ behaviours, including everything from what they’re buying to where they’re buying it from.

These insights allow you to tailor your stock levels and marketing efforts to meet the demands of your customer base, creating a more seamless experience.

Meeting customer expectations by making the retail experience more personalised means a whole lot of happy customers, which in turn means a whole lot of happy brand managers as well.

By improving customer experiences in physical stores using digital technology, you create a stronger connection between your brand and the consumer, which means they’re much more likely to keep coming back for more.

Improving customer service and increasing brand loyalty means you’ll also be able to reduce the cost of acquiring new customers. Wins all round!

Being understood and catered to, automatically

In this fast-paced digital world we live in, customers don’t want to tell you what they want – they expect you just to know.

That might sound daunting… But not with Reapp.

Our image-recognition technology gathers data straight from the shelf to give you fresh and accurate insights into what’s selling well, making it super simple to understand customer preferences.

The data we gather is then converted into straightforward and intuitive dashboards that provide your field team with actionable insights at a quick glance, allowing you to tailor your stock and marketing efforts towards what your customers actually want.

Convert your digital technology data into actionable insights with Reapp

Making the most of digital technology in retail stores = happy brands and happy customers.

So if you’re not already Reapp-ing the benefits (sorry), it’s time to partner with us.

In a nutshell, Reapp is a versatile analytics software tool designed to help businesses boost their sales and better manage their stock. Reapp uses fresh data from a wide range of sources to create automated reports that offer detailed insights into customer engagement, revolutionising the way your business makes its key sales and marketing decisions.

Our suite of unique software apps creates at-a-glance reports and dashboards at the click of a button, providing you with actionable sales and stock insights in a matter of seconds. You can even customise your reports in whatever way you choose, allowing you to focus on the insights that matter most to you.

Investing in Reapp will give your business the ultimate edge when it comes to elevating your digital strategy, streamlining inventory management, planning in-store marketing campaigns, and improving business performance.

The benefits of this incredible piece of digital technology speak for themselves, so what are you waiting for?

Book a demo with our friendly team today and glean accurate and actionable retail insights at the touch of a button.

June 22nd


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