
September 27th 2024

Our Top Employee Incentive Ideas for 2024

It may not come as a surprise to many, but there appears to have been a significant shift in today’s job market. Right now, attracting and retaining employees is a difficult task for many businesses, making incorporating new employee incentive ideas and rewards crucial for any modern retail business. 

Supporting this in recent findings, it was discovered that currently, the UK job market appears to be pretty turbulent. In their August 2024 job market report, Prism Recruitment reported that “employer confidence to recruit has not yet returned, leading to delays with permanent hiring”. This could be due to many factors (including skill mismatches or geographic disparities) – it could even be due to businesses not being in the financial position to take on new staff, or they may be concerned about how stable the economy is and where it will be in the future. 

Research into the number of open vacancies available in the UK last year supports this – the estimated number of vacancies from October to December 2023 was 934,000, a decrease of 49,000 from July to September 2023.

Instead of a focus on hiring new talent, it appears that strengthening the existing workforce has become a new priority for many businesses. Employers are realising that to keep their people happy, they have to think of new ways to keep them motivated and engaged.  As companies navigate the evolving landscape of work, employee incentives have become a crucial tool for keeping people in the business. Workhuman reported that recognition drives a 32% increase in employee performance when combined with feedback and incentives, highlighting that employees want to feel valued and they want to feel like they are being noticed for their efforts. Companies that see this and actively do something about it are thus much more likely to retain their people. 

If you’re a business that is looking to strengthen its workforce, we have the expertise to ensure you’re keeping your staff happy at every stage of their career development. As consumer rewards and loyalty enthusiasts, we understand the importance of recognising and appreciating your people. In this blog, we’ve compiled our top employee incentive ideas for 2024. These strategies not only reward hard work, but also help to foster a culture of appreciation and growth, ensuring you have an effective team that always feels valued and empowered.

Contact us today and book your Rewards demo today!

Employee Recognition: Why Is It So Important?

Employee recognition should be much more than just a pat on the back. If you see how important it is, you’ll recognise it as a critical component of any successful business strategy. When employees feel recognised and appreciated, their engagement, productivity, and morale reflect this. 

It was reported by Springworks that over 70% of workers want their employers to do more to motivate them, suggesting that workers may be more likely to go above and beyond for their employer if they are rewarded for their time and effort.  It’s clear that the introduction of employee incentives will massively increase individual performance, whilst also contributing to a positive work environment that benefits the entire organisation.

Common staff incentives and rewards may include:


  • Monetary bonuses
  • Salary raises
  • Additional vacation days
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Shared team-building experiences


However, recognition can take many forms, from public acknowledgements and awards to simple thank-you notes and verbal praise. The key is to make recognition frequent and genuine, aligning it with your company values. 

Five of Our Best Employee Incentive Ideas for 2024

So, how can you ensure the needs of your employees are always met? A cutting-edge employee incentive program can be difficult to implement if you’re a fairly new business, which is where Reapp steps in to help.

We’ve collated five of our best employee incentive ideas for 2024, aiming to help you create the perfect rewards scheme for employees seeking a new career with your brand.


1. Develop a Personalised Incentives Program for Your Team

Your employees are unique individuals so it’s best to treat them like that. 

Whilst someone may appreciate public acknowledgement, not every employee will feel comfortable with it! Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all incentives – in 2024, personalisation is key. 

In a recent study, it was discovered that 47% of employees want to receive a spontaneous, personalised reward. Each employee has their own unique motivations, goals, and preferences, so tailoring your incentive program to meet these individual needs can make a significant impact. 

To help you better understand your employees, it may be helpful to conduct regular surveys, providing insight into how your employees like to be recognised and what truly motivates them. 

Some people may prefer monetary bonuses, while others might value extra time off, professional development opportunities – or even simple tokens of appreciation like gift cards. By offering a range of options, you can empower your employees to choose the employee rewards programs that mean the most to them, leading to greater overall satisfaction and motivation.

employee incentives 2

2. Remote Work and Flexible Work Opportunities 

Whatever your stance on remote and flexible working, it’s clear that it has been a hot topic since the pandemic – many now see it as the future of working! In 2024, offering flexible work options will be one of the most effective employee incentive schemes for attracting and retaining top talent. Supporting this, CIPD reported that when on the hunt for a new role, 53% of people see flexible and remote working as key when applying for jobs. These work approaches benefit everyone involved, as they may widen your talent pool and look lucrative to employees who are seeking to improve their work-life balance. 

Whether it’s working from home, setting their own hours, or taking advantage of hybrid work models, flexibility allows employees to work in a way that suits their lifestyle. This approach not only boosts productivity, but it also enhances job satisfaction, leading to lower stress levels and higher overall well-being.

3. Focus on the Health and Wellbeing of Your People

The pandemic really shifted the importance we place on our individual health and well-being. Now more than ever, employees are prioritising themselves and how they feel. Recently, the Mental Health Foundation reported that 1 in 6.8 people experience mental health problems in the workplace. This highlights the importance of offering the right kind of support to employees, giving them a safe space where they can talk about their concerns and be signposted to the relevant help.  

Businesses that support staff well-being are also more likely to earn loyalty in return, as they show them that they care about them as people, instead of just as employees. REC reported that nearly three in five (57%) people say that if their employer proactively supported their mental well-being, it would help them to feel more loyal, be more productive, and take less time off work.

This shows us that offering comprehensive health and wellness programs that go beyond traditional benefits, will greatly enhance the working experience. This could include mental health support, fitness memberships, healthy snacks in the office, or even wellness days where employees can take time off to recharge. Encouraging a healthy work-life balance and providing resources for stress management can also go a long way in keeping your team happy and healthy.

4. A World of Professional Development Opportunities

Investing in your employees’ professional growth is a win-win situation for any modern retail brand. Not only does it help your team members advance their careers, but it also equips your company with a more skilled and knowledgeable workforce. It was recently reported by CIPHR that 79% of UK Learning and Development (L&D) professionals believe that it’s less costly to upskill or reskill an existing employee rather than hire a new employee. 

Upskilling could include providing access to online courses, workshops, or conferences, as well as offering mentorship programs or opportunities for cross-departmental learning. By showing a commitment to your employees’ growth, you can not only enhance their skills, but also demonstrate that you value their long-term contribution to the company.

5. There’s No ‘I’ in Team: Team Building Activities and Incentives

While individual incentives are important, fostering a strong sense of teamwork is equally crucial. Team building activities not only strengthen relationships among your team members, but they also create a more cohesive and collaborative work environment where people can learn from each other. Supporting this, in a study conducted by Smartfun, they discovered a 50% increase of positive change in communication within the workplace – which can be attributed to social interactions outside of work-related matters. 

To help foster a sense of unity, you should look for creative ways to bring your team together. This could be through team retreats, collaborative projects, or even fun activities like escape rooms or cooking classes. The goal is to encourage communication, trust, and camaraderie, which in turn boosts morale and productivity. Recognising team achievements as well as individual accomplishments can also foster a spirit of cooperation and shared success in the workplace.

Developing a Good Work Culture

A good working culture is the foundation of any successful organisation. As your staff play a huge role when it comes to your everyday processes, you must be actively investing in improving their working experience. Ultimately, developing a positive work culture should be a top priority for companies looking to thrive.

A great place to start is to ensure that you are providing channels for open communication and transparency. Encourage feedback from your employees and show that you value their opinions. Cultivate a culture of inclusivity where everyone feels welcomed and respected, regardless of their background or position. Celebrating diversity and promoting a good work-life balance are also key components of a strong work culture.

It’s worth noting that leadership plays a crucial role in shaping company culture. When leaders demonstrate the values and behaviours they want to see in their employees, it sets a standard for the entire organisation. 

Prizes Awards and Rewards Differences in Employee Motivation

Go to the Head of the Pack with Our Employee Incentive Ideas

As the job market continues to evolve, it’s clear that it may be unstable for a while yet. Despite this factor, employers can still maintain a strong focus on employee incentives to ensure that they are working to create an environment that retains top talent. By offering personalised incentives and flexible work opportunities with a focus on health and well-being, professional development, and team-building activities, businesses can ensure that they are contributing to a thriving workplace.

Remember – the goal is to make your employees feel valued and appreciated. When your team knows that their hard work is recognised and rewarded, they’re more likely to go above and beyond in their roles. We hope that you can take some inspiration from these ideas and tailor them to fit the unique needs of your business – your employees will thank you for it, and your business will really start to Reapp the retail rewards!

If you’re curious to discover how Reapp can transform your business, contact us today and we’ll direct you to an exceptional brand loyalty solution! For more information on our employment incentives, check out what we offer here.


September 27th


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